Life is constantly reminding us of what we don’t have, but what about all that we do have? What makes you special? What do you have to offer to the world around you? What do you enjoy? Find the things that you love about yourself. They’re enough!
We talked last week about how we are so quick to compare ourselves to others and get down on ourselves for no reason (especially through social media). We talked about how we are each other’s support when we see ourselves in these situations. We are lucky to have each other to listen to and encourage along the way, with this struggle that so many people face. Who could be your go-to accountability partner?
We believe there is no reason to sit and dwell on our “weaknesses” or feel bad for ourselves. We find it much more powerful to look at our strengths and dominate them. Think like a warrior!
We love that we both have the capability to see the personal strengths of others and utilize their strengths to motivate and empower us to be better versions of ourselves. We could go on and on about the people that have empowered us and still do every day.
We decided to flip the switch and use social media as a way to seek positive influence and empowerment from likeminded individuals to promote a better us, rather than take us down. We hope we can provide positive influence and empowerment to others.
So, remember last week when we challenged you to do two things? These things…
1) Write down 3 qualities that you love about yourself (stop dwelling on the “negatives”). Even though believe us 3 isn’t enough. We don’t mean just physical attributes. Think outside of the box.
2) Write down 3 people in your life you are proud of and why.
Did you do this? We hope so! We did. It was very easy to think of a list of people who we are proud of and look up to. On the other hand, it wasn’t as easy to find the strengths that we see in ourselves. We know we both have a strength in the ability to eat sweets and junk food. 😉 We needed to think deeper. Take a look at what we came up with!
Erin’s Top 3 Qualities:
- I see the creativity in almost everything.
- I absolutely love to find creative ways to do things. I get bored super easily which has caused me to figure out ways to be creative with my time and thoughts. I tend to look at things, anywhere from lesson plans to areas to take photos, and add my creative touch to make them interesting and fun for everyone involved. It makes for a much more meaningful experience.
- I don’t get too worked up about anything.
- I feel as though I am a pretty low-key and laid back individual. I get excited about dorky things, like when the Bachelorette finale comes on or when I get to go to Buffalo Wild Wings. However, most of the time, I tend to go with the flow and stay flexible.
- I am a softy and thoughtful.
- OMG. As I am sitting here writing this, I am crying over American Idol contestants getting sent home. I also cry if they get to stay. It isn’t even that far into the season. I have an incredibly soft heart for people. I try and avoid sad movies because I will be a giant mess. My husband makes fun of me and tells me “it’s just a movie.” It never works. I also have a thoughtful side to me. I try and make people a priority in my life, by thinking of ways to make them feel extra important and special, especially when they need it most.
Emily’s Top 3 Qualities:
- I am patient.
- I think one quality of any teacher is patience. What really developed my patience is having kids. I have learned that I need to step back, let my two-year-old put on her own clothes, even if it takes 30 minutes of my day. I need to let my four-year-old perform her ballerina song to me that she made up. Even if it is the same phrase over and over for 10 minutes straight.
- I make people laugh by relating to them.
- Being myself and not caring what others think of my goofy, crazy, and dramatic personality, helps people relate to me. Nobody is perfect and I am more than happy to help people see that through me! Did I recently give each of my girls a loaf of day old bread from Jimmy Johns for lunch? Absolutely. Don’t worry, I am here to make you laugh and feel good about the things you do. I am not the mom that gives my kids organic fruits and veggies for lunch every day (amen to those moms that do). I am okay with that.
- I am driven.
- It’s tough to brag about yourself. I don’t necessarily like doing this. My mom always said as a little girl that I was driven. She knew I would be a driven person because when I was little I was determined to climb out of my crib, into Erin’s crib and steal her bottle or even her blanket (this wasn’t very nice). She also gives the example of begging me to go shopping with her on a weeknight, but me telling her I needed to get my math homework done for Mrs. Peterson’s Calculus class. It’s all about goals. I LOVE setting myself short-term goals. It helps me feel good about what I accomplish and helps me get to the end result that I want.
Erin’s is Proud of:
- My hot-stuff hubby. He has accomplished so much in life and is one of the best leaders out there. Working through the Marines and into his current job, where he continues to always catch people off guard with his wisdom and leadership skills. Not to mention, he always brings me home sweets and spicy food.

- My friend, Kasey. Kasey has become incredibly successful in her job. She has become a go-to woman for people all across the country when it comes to literacy and education. She puts a ton of hard work and detail into what she does. She not only works hard at her job, but she has always been a friend who listens first. Believe me, she has allowed me to call her crying my eyes out many times. Many times, she cries along with me, too. Check out her amazing blog skills here!

- My parents. Both of my parents are natural born leaders and smarty pants. They are incredibly knowledgeable. They also have so much love for each other and for all of us kids. Their strength in marriage and life have shown me and my siblings that we can make it through anything and set the focus on what will make us happy.

Emily is Proud of:
- My husband. He works so hard at his job and is so determined. I am so proud of him! He is THE. BEST. DAD. EVER. He will dress up in his work clothes when the girls request a daddy/daughter dance night at home. He will take them to breakfast or go pick up donuts for them. Rarely will you hear him say something negative. This is something that I adore about him (he get’s this from his mother. She is so positive about life). I don’t know what I would do without him!

- My great friend, Michelle O’Connell. We first met when we began our teaching career in Spooner, WI. She didn’t know this at the time but I already knew who she was. I mean…..she was THE BEST basketball player in the Big Rivers Conference when we were in high school. Who did Coach Lipke make guard her when we played her team (EC North)? ME! Insert eye roll…I mean…come on! I had no chance. One other thing I learned from being her close friend is don’t play competitive games against her. You won’t win. Always try to be on her team. Michelle has always been such a determined person. That’s why when I found out that she was diagnosed with breast cancer, I knew she had the fight in her! She was diagnosed at the age of at the age of 31. She has never once complained or been negative through her entire journey. Every time I ask her how she is doing or feeling, she will say GREAT! She inspires me every day. She continues to be the most loving mom and hard-working wife there is. Her strength and grace are out of this world. Michelle is the definition of a winner. Check out her CaringBridge site here.

- My mom and dad. They model what a great marriage should look like. My dad treats my mom like she is the queen of the castle and my mom respects my dad with all she has. They are such a great team! In addition, they have ALWAYS been supportive through every journey of my life. They are the first ones to come to my rescue if I need help. For example, they saved the day when I accidentally locked my kids in the car (Yep…terrible moment), when I didn’t have car keys to get to work (this one was on Rob…), and whenever I need help with the kids. They are truly amazing!

We understand that we won’t put social media aside and let it go completely (and why would we want to?), instead why not focus on the positives within it? We challenge you to flip the switch and find people in your life AND on social media that inspire you to be better. Find these people. This doesn’t mean it has to be your closest friends. It could be a complete stranger that gives inspiring and uplifting messages. So much of social media is not meaning to bring us down, but most of us let it take control of us in this negative way.
Here are our top Instagram influencers that empower us. Check them out!
- A woman that promotes being comfortable in her own skin.
- Two moms that admit to their flaws and don’t judge others. They WILL make you laugh.
- Former Bachelorette, podcaster, and woman who says it like it is.
Erin & Emily