We took a week off this June to take our kids to see our friend from South Dakota, Nicole. We have been friends with her since Kindergarten. We actually lived in South Dakota up until we were in 3rd grade. We have kept in touch with her and it was so great to go back and visit her and her amazing family.
It was a very eventful trip! The evening before we left Myla got sick with a high fever and the pukes. We decided to take her in to get tested for strep and the results were negative. She seemed to be doing better so we went along with the trip. The entire trip she was on and off with her fever. It ended up getting too high so we had to take her to the emergency room. We were very lucky because Nicole’s mom, Kathy is a nurse and was helping us along the way with what we should do! They ended up doing a handful of tests and she was eventually treated with some antibiotics. We are so thankful that we got her some medication and she is starting to feel better! She was such a trooper on the trip.
All of the kids were so good on the car ride! We didn’t predict that. 🙂 We stopped at some parks on the way there and back to keep them entertained. Graham even managed to get his Rice Krispie bar stuck in his hair, up his nose, and in his ears. Silly boy!
Of course, one of the favorite parts of the trip was the hotel!! What kid doesn’t love the hotel? Nap time was definitely the most challenging part of the trip!
The first day we were there we visited the local zoo. The kids LOVED it! Graham especially loved petting the animals and the tractors he found all around.
The kids were so excited to have some time to play with their new friends, Hadlee and Charlee! They are the sweetest little girlies EVER!
The next day Erin and our mom took a trip to visit our old stomping grounds! Here is a picture of Erin in front of our old elementary school.
That afternoon we were invited for a dress up party and a picnic. They LOVED it!
After attempted naps that afternoon, we were off for ice cream and swimming at the pool we used to go to all the time with our family!
Finally, the trip ended with a not so fun visit to the ER. We are very thankful that this pumpkin got some medication and is feeling better! What a fun trip we had even with Myla not feeling her best.